Healthy or not healthy, that is the question!

With proper nutrition, everything seems to be clear: do not eat fast food, do not eat at night, do not eat a lot. But here a variety of diets and nutrition systems come on the scene and they proclaim some foods as useful, some as dangerous, taken to contradict each other. Here it becomes completely unclear what to eat to be healthy. Let's take a look and look at the 8 most controversial products.

1. Healthy fats 

These include avocados, nuts, oily fish, oils that improve our health. Yes, yes, you say, but they are high-calorie! The fact is that in moderate amounts these products cannot harm the figure. On the contrary, they can help curb appetite, speed up metabolism, remove toxins and help the body absorb vitamins and minerals more easily. If you avoid fats, then their lack will lead to the desire to "eat something like that." The body will require fats, but meanwhile you will eat something else foods which is not going to fulfil you enough - hence the extra pounds.

2. Chocolate 

Another product that is in the risk zone. 
There are rumours that it improves mood and metabolism. True, but only if it comes to a couple of pieces of bitter organic chocolate. And then not every day. The problem with chocolate is that it easily becomes addictive. We often "heal" our stress and love problems with it. And chocolate also contains magnesium and zinc, which are necessary for the body, so if you want to defeat the addiction to chocolate, focus on products that contain these elements.

3. Coffee

Most Western nutritionists claim that you can drink coffee, it is even useful, as it speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, if you follow the rules of nutrition of the West, only one or two cups of coffee per day are not prohibited. It does not mean that you need to completely refuse coffee - you just need to know the basic rules of when and how to drink coffee.

4. Vegetarianism and veganism 

Another statement of the XXI century: you can stay healthy only on vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet and so on. Of course, a humane attitude to animals is a noble cause, but you need to come to this lifestyle consciously, and not because someone reproached you, shamed you, not because it is fashionable and gives a sense of superiority. Feel the powerful impulse inside you that calls for the rejection of meat, study the chosen nutrition system, and correctly compose a diet. Non-violence to animals should not destroy your health and lead to violence against yourself.

5. Rice 

White rice is the main food of the Japanese, who amaze the world with their health. But Western nutritionists say that this is white death. Who to believe? If you want to cook rice, then give preference to brown (nutritious, but difficult for digestion) or basmati (buy in specialized stores, as they sell dead cereals in ordinary supermarkets). Always rinse the rice before cooking, soak it for 15 minutes and cook according to the instructions. Such rice will be not only tasty but also healthy.

6. Milk 

They say milk is not digested by adults. And only we set aside a glass of milk, we hear statements that warm milk with turmeric and ghee is the main drink of yogis. Of course, the milk sold in stores, obtained from exhausted and intimidated cows, is unlikely to be useful. It is advisable to find farm milk produced by healthy, happy cows. It is also recommended to boil milk before use (not for long, let it rise and immediately remove from heat).

7. Rice bread 

Low-calorie and so nutritious, the advertisement says. But is it? Rough, dry, old (stored for months) bread rolls are hardly useful for digestion. It is better to eat fresh whole grain bread - there will be much more benefit.

8. Almond 

The list of beneficial properties of almonds is almost endless. But the benefit will be only if you comply with the norm - no more than 8-10 pieces per day (preferably not a strong roast). To facilitate the digestion process, it is better to soak the nuts overnight.

The final thought is to always put your health first. Try to understand what kind of products and nutrition works for you the most. Do not overindulge with some products. Remember you can always switch to the right diet without any difficulties, if you do it right.


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