Make food appealing!

This is what you can usually see or probably imagine when you have a thought of a healthy diet.
But it is not true!

Today we want to improve your idea of healthy nutrition and how it can look like!

1. Make your food look bright and colourful

Does not it look yummy to you instantly? 
Add different veggies and fruits, it will give not only vitamins benefits but also make you want to eat it! 

2. Diversify your food

Try to diversify your food, add some new ingredients to your usual meals, it will make it not so boring. 
You can follow different blogs (like ours 😉), Instagram pages (@healthy._.vibes), Pinterest and many other. 
If you want some of our advice @holy__food has a really beautiful and helpful page.

3. Choose beautiful dishes!

It is a psychology that proves us this phenomena.
Even if you do not feel like trying to make your food look good, a good set of dishes can help you out. 
